El Pilar Reforestation

El Pilar Reforestation

El Pilar Reforestation Project:

Project aim: to establish an integrated agro-forestry plot to be maintained primarily by the students staying at Casa Miraflores that will provide a basic food supply while gradually replacing two hectares of purma - poor quality secondary forest growth – with better quality secondary forest.

Location:  native community of El Pilar, a 30 minutes boat ride up the Madre de Dios river from Puerto Maldonado.

Initial phase: the plot was planted with a variety of tree seedlings such as castaña (brazil-nut), palms, copazú, arazá, cacao, citricos and various timber species in 2019. In between the tree seedlings, crops such as wild rice, camote (sweet potato) and yucca were planted.

Second phase: the plot is due to be enhanced with further planting in the first half of 2021.

The motorised canoe journey from the community back to Puerto Maldonad
The motorised canoe journey from the community back to Puerto Maldonad
The motorised canoe journey from the community back to Puerto Maldonado
Wild rice growing in rows amongst the seedlings
Wild rice growing in rows amongst the seedlings
Wild rice growing in rows amongst the seedlings
The harvest begins, row by row
The harvest begins, row by row
The harvest begins, row by row
Each head of grain (panicule) is harvested     individually using a kn
Each head of grain (panicule) is harvested individually using a kn
Each head of grain (panicule) is harvested individually using a knife
The harvest progresses through the crop
The harvest progresses through the crop
The harvest progresses through the crop
The harvested panicules are collected together  in bunches
The harvested panicules are collected together in bunches
The harvested panicules are collected together in bunches
A six month old seedling growing amongst the crops
A six month old seedling growing amongst the crops
A six month old seedling growing amongst the crops
The bagged panicules are carried up the forest trail to the village
The bagged panicules are carried up the forest trail to the village
The bagged panicules are carried up the forest trail to the village
The bags of panicules are emptied out on the veranda of a village hous
The bags of panicules are emptied out on the veranda of a village hous
The bags of panicules are emptied out on the veranda of a village house
Salsa music is turned on and the barefoot threshing of the panicules b
Salsa music is turned on and the barefoot threshing of the panicules b
Salsa music is turned on and the barefoot threshing of the panicules begins
The threshing of the paniculesis sweaty work requiring stamina
The threshing of the paniculesis sweaty work requiring stamina
The threshing of the paniculesis sweaty work requiring stamina
The threshing comes to an end as the last     remaining paniculesare g
The threshing comes to an end as the last remaining paniculesare g
The threshing comes to an end as the last remaining panicules are gathered up
The bagged rice -  approximately 400kgs
The bagged rice - approximately 400kgs
The bagged rice - approximately 400kgs
Rest breaks provide an opportunity for other     community issues to b
Rest breaks provide an opportunity for other community issues to b
Rest breaks provide an opportunity for other community issues to be discussed
A well earned plate of chicken stew at the end   of the day keeps ever
A well earned plate of chicken stew at the end of the day keeps ever
A well earned plate of chicken stew at the end of the day keeps everyone happy
The motorised canoe journey from the community back to Puerto Maldonad
The motorised canoe journey from the community back to Puerto Maldonad
The motorised canoe journey from the community back to Puerto Maldonado
Wild rice growing in rows amongst the seedlings
Wild rice growing in rows amongst the seedlings
Wild rice growing in rows amongst the seedlings